I think I've decided to be Katy Perry for Halloween! My friend took Snooki from Jersey Shore, which had been my first choice. But I LOVE Katy, she is so adorable, especially in her 'California Girls' video... I've decided to pick an outfit from that. Now to find something without breaking the bank.... here are some things I've looked at today.

I found both light Lavender and Blue wigs online like hers, I'd love either one... this is perfect because I had wanted to wear a wig this year =)
Next we have some cute Katy Perry themed outfits that you can order online, the only thing is, they are over $250! Ehh, no thanks. Cute though... I like the cotton candy one

I found quite a few of the cupcake bras, but.... I just couldn't pull that off. Maybe one day I'll have a body like that haha

I think I'm going to go with the candy buttons dress. It's super cute!
The only thing they have online is this dress, which looks nothing like Katy's. I think I'm going to try to be creative and make my own.

My sister is the creative one, I'm not used to this stuff. I'm thinking that I can get a white strapless dress, and spray paint styrofoam balls yellow, pink & blue... and then cut them in half and attach them to the dress. Haha, I have to figure out HOW to attach them, that's the hard part... maybe super glue? Let me know if you guys have any suggestions or ideas! I'd love to hear it... and tell me what you're gonna be for halloween!!