First, the best & most exciting news.... I finally got a puppy! His name is Baxter, he is a Pekingese and King Charles Spaniel mix. He is seriously the cutest thing ever, pictures don't do him justice.

So here are a few pictures from the holidays.
This was our first christmas married, and it was soooo fun picking out & decorating our first christmas tree together!
Preston put the star on the tree, then I did most of the decorating.... Preston watched tv. Typical male huh haha
The finished product! We decorated & wrapped our gifts in red & white, it was a candy cane theme. =)
Another night we went over to my family's house, to help with their christmas tree decorating. They shouldn't have put me in charge of brownies... mwaha
I'm so happy that my whole family got to be together for christmas this year! My sister Sarah and her husband Kent came down from Indiana to be with us... I loved seeing them! Here is the Newsom family, and then us kids with our pets.
I went to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure with Hunter one day, I loved all the christmas decor.... we had a blast just goofin off!

Our family went to Church Street Christmas in Dade City, it was super fun! We basically just walked around a christmasy town listening to music & looking at lights, then afterwards we went out for ice cream!
Good to see you back on here! I love the new layout by the way!